Case Study: Enabling Personalization for B2B PLG Companies and GTM Teams


This case study highlights how Hyperaktiv helps B2B Product-Led Growth (PLG) companies and their Go-To-Market (GTM) teams achieve enhanced user experiences and better customer engagement through personalized interactions.

Challenges Faced

  1. Limited Personalization Capabilities: A PLG company's products may offer a wide range of features, but struggle to deliver personalized user experiences based on each customer's unique needs, preferences, and behavior.

  2. Customer Onboarding: Simplifying the onboarding process for different user segments is challenging. PLG companies needed a way to guide users through the product in a personalized manner, ensuring they could quickly find value and stick with the product.

  3. Optimizing Customer Journey: Understanding how customers are interacting with their products and what pain points they face along the journey is essential for continuous improvement. However, some companies may lack the data and insights required for making informed decisions.

Hyperaktiv Solution

  1. Dynamic In-App Guidance: Hyperaktiv enables PLG companies to create and deliver dynamic, personalized in-app messages to users based on their behavior and interactions within the product. These guide users through the onboarding process, feature discovery, and problem-solving. The messages are triggered based on user behavior, ensuring relevant assistance at the right time.

  1. Behavioral Segmentation: The platform allows PLG companies to segment their user base based on various criteria such as user actions, product usage patterns, and demographics. Using Hyperaktiv's advanced segmentation capabilities, companies can identify and group users based on their actions, demographics, and preferences. This enables them to deliver tailored messaging, content, and product experiences to specific user segments.

  1. User Journey Analytics: Hyperaktiv provides detailed user journey analytics, tracking how users navigate through the product, engage with different features, and perform specific actions. Hyperaktiv's robust analytics provides companies with real-time insights into how users are navigating through their products. They can track customer behavior, identify bottlenecks, and optimize the customer journey to reduce churn and boost conversions.

  1. Custom Sales Funnels: Hyperaktiv helps PLG companies by tailoring the sales journey to individual prospects, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue. By delivering personalized sales messages and offers based on user behavior and preferences, custom sales funnels improve user engagement and drive more meaningful interactions.


  1. Increased User Engagement: Personalized in-app messages leads to higher user engagement and improved feature adoption rates, making it easier for users to understand the product's value proposition.

  2. Accelerated Onboarding: With personalized guidance, the onboarding process becomes smoother and more intuitive for users, reducing drop-offs and increasing user satisfaction.

  1. Higher Conversion Rates: Behavioral segmentation and targeted messaging improves conversion rates, leading to more trial users converting into paying customers.

  1. Reduced Churn: By better understanding user pain points through user journey analytics, the company can proactively address customer concerns, leading to a reduction in churn rates.

  1. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Tailoring the user experience based on individual preferences results in higher customer satisfaction scores and positive word-of-mouth referrals.


Hyperaktiv's personalization platform proves to be a valuable asset for PLG Companies, enabling them to optimize their B2B PLG strategy and GTM efforts significantly. Through personalized in-app guidance, behavioral segmentation, and data-driven insights, companies can deliver a more engaging and delightful experience for their users, resulting in increased conversions, reduced churn, and heightened customer satisfaction.

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